No cracks forming in the wood?
Our wood is dried, partly under vacuum, in special drying ovens. This process reduces warping and cracking of the wood. However, some cracks may nevertheless form in the wood. This does not represent any grounds for a complaint. Wood is a natural material, therefore responds to climatic influences.
In fact, wood is a material that adjusts to the conditions of its surroundings and responds to any changes. This ability becomes evident during extended and warmer dry periods, as these may cause an increased number of cracks to form in the wood. However, these cracks partly disappear after the end of the dry period.
Cracks in the wood are rather a logical consequence of using on a natural raw material. This includes environmental influences such as extreme temperature variations, too low or too high humidity, exposure to direct sunlight, floor heating. For this reason, it is essential to follow the care instructions for our solid wood furniture.
Cracks are natural processes, are inevitable and not unusual. They do not, however, affect the durability and long service life of the wood.